Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Latest

Well, I took the two of them to the Vet last week. Emma needed her shots and I was worried about Sidney. He seems to have put on a lot of weight, suddenly. Turns out it was only a pound or so. I guess it's just that picking Emma up (6 pounds now), before I pick him up (20 pounds, yes he's heavy but he is also a Shih Tzu from a breeder and therefore has some substance to him)  really shows the comparison.

So anyway, I am to keep him on a special diet for a month. It adds bulk but not calories. Then, if he has still not lost weight they will test his Thyroid. She felt that this would be the better way to go as the test is over $100.00 and the food was $35.00. Well, we have to pick one and the food was the better choice at this time.

A month from now they both go back, her for more shots, him to jump (or waddle, if a certain someone doesn't stop giving him the plate to clean off) on the scale. I have to admit I was really scared it was 'C'. I feel better about that part now.

* * * * *

We went to the park the other day and saw a squirrel acting weird. This one was on the ground and having trouble holding his head up. Plus he suddenly started towards the dogs instead of running away. I saw this behaviour once before, and it involved a lot of noise from the geese we owned back when we lived in the country.

We were startled by this explosion of sound from the back yard. The geese were really aggravated about something and in full alert mode. Suddenly we saw a skunk. It was staggering and having trouble with its head. We had an dog house that a mother cat had moved into with her kittens. She shared the house with Jenny, our collie. The skunk headed that way and while I went to hopefully get her the hubby grabbed a BB gun.

I get Jenny out of the pen, without getting sprayed and the skunk heads towards the dog house. Suddenly Mum cat hears her kittens and goes tearing in after the skunk. The skunk did NOT spray but staggered out again and by now hubby was within feet of it with the gun. He managed to kill it with the BB gun and THAT'S when it let loose with the odour. His last gift to us. We called animal control and they came and got it and said they would test for rabies and let us know. Sure enough the thing was rabid and I had to get shots. The reason? I had a hold of Jenny by her fur. She had chased the skunk when it first went in her run. I happened to have touched her down low where she may have been in contact with the skunk, and I had a fresh cut (open wound) on my hand.

The rabies shots were NOT in the abdomen; there were only five of them, and the worst part was getting a massive dose of hemoglobin before the rabies shots started. THAT goes in the butt and they didn't have any large needles for the size of the dose they give you, so I had to have six smaller shots.   A nurse on either side of me doing two at a time.  Fun!

By the way, I DID report the squirrel to the man who does the park maintenance and he was going to call about it.

Next time I see him I'll ask what happened.

* * * * *

Now, Sidney, Emma and I are off to my brother's for three days of serious cookie baking. This is Cookie Stock 2010. We started this as a remembrance of or tribute to my parents, Mum especially. She used to do cookies every Christmas with us and its our way of keeping her alive in our hearts.

* * * * *

I'll let you know what adventures we have, Emma especially. Sid has been there before and nothing really bothers him. But Em is going to find all kinds of interesting smells and stuff.

SIDE NOTE: I am a HUGE MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) fan and just noticed a couple of days ago the those are the last three letters in Emma's name.

SIDE NOTE TWO: I m going to record some of the activities at Cookie Stock. If any of it is good I'll have it on You Tube by the end of the week.

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