Wednesday, December 15, 2010

We love SNOW ! ! ! ! ! ! !

I am up at my brother's house for CookieStock 2010.

We started this tradition the year after we lost our parents. Its something my Mum did every Christmas and we thought it a good way to remember and honour them.

Anyway, I took the dogs with me even though we were going to mostly be baking. A lot of attention goes into our cookies and I wasn't sure what the dogs would do.

We drove through a pretty scary snow storm and when we got to the house it had eased off a little. So we unloaded the car and got into the house and hunkered down. In the late afternoon/early evening it was time for the dogs to go out and it was the first time Emma has seen snow. Sure, she saw a dusting of it on our back porch, but nothing like what she found at my brother's place.

Well, after the first sort of look of shock, she went nuts!! She was bouncing and jumping and leaping and all over the place trying to catch snowflakes. Then she'd fly straight up and come down facing a different direction.

It gets a lot darker in the country than it does in the city. It marked the first time we could see Emma at night, though!

She has been driving Sidney N U T S. She has gotten more playful I guess because of the snow. Now her new trick is to bite his tail and hang on. He turns to bark at her. He growls. He snarls. He tries to bite her. Nothing, she just comes back for more. Poke, poke, poke.

He did finally get her on the nose and you would have thought he had ripped her leg off. She's is like that little spoiled kid that just keeps picking until somebody finally decides to put an end to it. Then its all "Mommy, he's picking on me."

I should have some pictures to add to this when I get home. I'm still at my brother's house waiting for my hubby to come and get me and go home. Emma is right now on my brother's sofa, which would tick him off if he was here. But, they are quiet so I'm okay with it.
The really good thing, when I put her outside, is that she stays around the back door as well as Sidney does. She would venture out a little bit but seemed to know she was somewhere new. She stayed quite close to the house. They ventured out to the back of the house a little but never went more than ten feet from base.

She is almost housebroken too. The only problem is that Sidney will bark to go out. Emma just trots off to the door. SO if you aren't watching her you don't know she wants out, in which case she will do her business right by the door. While here, she had three accidents, which for being in a strange place is pretty darn good.

Next time, I'll tell you about her learning to come when she's called.

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