Sunday, November 28, 2010

Emma's Three weeks part 2

First off, additions to Emma's pile of  . . . . . stuff. A Beanie baby Little Soccer Kid, three teddies (one as big as she was), a cat, a plastic water bottle, an elephant, a tug toy and a hedge hog. Oh, and a hand knit mouse.

    6. Fallen down 8 steps
    So she didn't take long to learn how to go up steps,  but now she has to master going down. She was following me up to the second floor which is fifteen steps up. She always runs and sometimes gets her feet out of order. Last week, she was half way up and I was ahead of her when I heard this crashing tumble sound. Sure enough, there she was lying at the bottom of the stairs. I had to carry her up that day, but she's fine now.

    7.  Found a battery
    Last spring hubby bought a new video camera and an extra life (rechargeable) battery for it. The battery disappeared the first day we were home. We looked everywhere, but no luck. The other day Emma crawls out from under the chair and had a battery in her mouth. It was the one we had been missing since the spring and we had lifted that chair up several times looking for the battery.

    8. Played with almost every ball of yarn I have
    She is working her way through every ball of yarn I own.
    Can I play with the red one? No.
    The black one? No.
    Then yellow's okay? No.
    White? No.
    Purple? No.

    Literally she seems to figure out she can't touch THAT one but the next one must be okay.

    9. Claimed every toy AND bone Sidney ever had
    In her 'pile' she has every toy SIdney has ever had. She finds them, God only knows where and they end up in her pile.

    10. Tried my patience more times than I care to count
    See 1 through 9 above.

    11. Been attacked by a mouse trap
    She put her nose somewhere it shouldn't have been and set off the mouse trap. When it went off it missed her but she thought the 'corner' of the kitchen had attacked her. At least we know one thing that will keep her out of stuff.

    12. Been in two major fights with Sidney (real fights, caused by her)
    She has not started but sure tried to finish, now three real 'I mean it quit bugging me' fights. I have never seen a puppy of this age, now 14 weeks old, have that much nerve to go against an older dog. He had her on her back, and she was still snarling and snapping and went after him as soon as she let him up.

    All that said and done, we still have her and I am interested in seeing what kind of an dog she grows into. She already knows 'sit' and 'come'. She is working on going down stairs and she doesn't mind being combed. (the first time I did that, you would have though I was removing every hair one by one)

    Emma attacking Sid

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